Medal in Food Science

To be awarded annually to a graduating student with superior academic achievement in the final year of study in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences. Recipient will be the student who has shown the highest distinction in scholarship over the final two years of the BSc. in Nutrition and Food Science (Food Science and Technology major) program or the BSc. in Agricultural/Food Business Management (Food Business Management major) program. Recipients of this medal are not eligible to receive the Alberta Institute of Agrologists Medal, the Amy M Coates Memorial Medal in Nutrition and Food Science, or the Warren W and Ida E Prevey Memorial Medal.

Endowed funds by the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (Alberta Section), The Alberta Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Members of the Food Processing Industry and other Friends of Food Science
Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, Convocating