Annual funds by 150 Acts of Reconciliation (Crystal Gail Fraser and Sara Komarnisky)

Annual funds by 688168 Alta Ltd

Annual funds by a gift to the CSL Program from Reinhard and Elisabeth Muhlenfeld

Annual funds by Agriculture Class of 1962

Annual funds by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation

Annual funds by AIMCo Foundation for Financial Education

Annual funds by Alan Cheng, Sam Stetsko, and Carlo Panaro

Annual funds by Alberta Blue Cross

Annual funds by Alberta Blue Cross Benefits Corporation Foundation

Annual funds by Alberta Crown Attorneys Association

Annual funds by Alberta Forest Products Association

Annual funds by Alberta Heritage Endowment Fund

Annual funds by Alberta Scholarships Program

Annual funds by Alberta Society of Specialists in Internal Medicine

Annual funds by Alberta SPCA

Annual funds by Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

Annual funds by Alberta Teachers' Association in honor of the former Dean of the Faculty

Annual funds by Alberta Wheat Commission

Annual funds by Alere Inc

Annual funds by Alex T Abraham

Annual funds by All Weather Windows Ltd

Annual funds by All Weather Windows Scholarship Fund at the Edmonton Community Foundation

Annual funds by Alumni and Friends of the University of Alberta in collaboration with the Hole Family in memory of the Honourable Dr Lois E Hole

Annual funds by an anonymous donor

Annual funds by an anonymous donor and the Department of Computing Science

Annual funds by an Anonymous Donor in memory of Viera Linderova

Annual funds by Andreassen Olson Borth Law Firm

Annual funds by Angus Watt

Annual funds by Anna-Spring Doerfler, Yvonne Visser, Mark Hutchison, Roddy Ward, Melanie Schultz (all Augustana alumni), and Bree Urkow (Augustana staff)