Rhodes Scholarship - University of Alberta Presidential Endorsement

This application and process is for an internal University of Alberta Presidential Endorsement. Applicants must then apply directly to Rhodes for the Rhodes Scholarship prior to the closing date of 23:59 Pacific Time, 27 September 2024.


  • Any eligible applications submitted on or before July 30 will be reviewed and receive feedback from a U of A Rhodes Scholarship Review Committee, with the opportunity to fix their application before it is endorsed by the Office of the President.
  • Any eligible applications submitted between July 31 and August 15 will be forwarded to the Office of the President for endorsement without additional feedback from the Review Committee.
  • All applications are due on August 15.

The Rhodes Scholarship supports 103 exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford, in England. Each year, 11 students from across six regions in Canada are selected, including three students from the prairies region. Since inception, the University of Alberta has been fortunate to have had 76 of its students selected, including eight since 2015.

Value: The Rhodes scholarship covers tuition and application fees at Oxford, a personal stipend, and economy-class airfare to the U.K. from Canada at the beginning and end of the scholarship.

Eligibility: This competition is open to any University of Alberta student who will have completed a bachelor’s degree by the time the study period at Oxford commences. The Rhodes Scholarship is an internationally competitive program: in addition to the basic eligibility requirements, candidates must demonstrate exceptional academic and leadership achievements.

Please visit the Rhodes Scholarships for Canada website to see the complete list of eligibility requirements for the competition. To be a successful applicant, we encourage you to read the Information for Candidates document. While the program seeks to recruit a diverse array of applicants and abilities, most successful candidates exhibit a combination of the following traits:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Demonstrated leadership skills and experience
  • Extra-curricular involvement
  • Passion, empathy, energy, commitment, and drive

All candidates currently attending a University must earn the endorsement of their University President or equivalent representative. The endorsement should confirm that you are a student in good standing at the institution and, where possible, additional information in support of your candidacy. Presidential Endorsements will not be unreasonably withheld.

Supplemental Questions
  1. I acknowledge, I have read and understood the requirements on the Rhodes Scholarships for Canada website directly about what is required for a complete application and what else is required of me to have prepared before the next phase.
  2. Academic Statement of Study: You will need to write an academic statement of no more than 350 words. The reason Rhodes ask for an academic statement is that entry to the University of Oxford is becoming ever more competitive and, should you be selected for a Rhodes Scholarship, you will have to submit your application to Oxford within a very short timeframe. Researching and writing this statement will help you prepare for that. Rhodes selectors will use the statement to assess whether you will thrive academically in one of the most competitive graduate environments in the world.
  3. Personal Statement: You will need to provide a personal statement of no more than 1000 words. The personal statement is your chance to tell your story in your own voice: Who are you? Your academic transcript and academic statement of study, your CV, and your reference letters will provide the substantive detail of your commitments and accomplishments, whereas the personal statement gives you the opportunity to make an authentic statement of who you are.
  4. Curriculum Vitae: A full curriculum vitae (CV) which should include specific details about academic qualifications, publications, prizes, scholarships, positions of leadership, employment positions, involvement in student, voluntary, community or political activities and any cultural, musical or sporting accomplishments.
  5. References: While not required for receiving the University of Alberta Presidential Endorsement, I understand that providing Rhodes with a list of six individuals (referees) who are willing to offer references on my behalf is necessary. Among these referees, a minimum of three should be academics who have formally taught and assessed me during my undergraduate studies. Additionally, I will need two or more character referees who can speak to my character and involvement in extracurricular, service, or leadership activities.