Annual funds by Anthem Properties Group Ltd & Alberta Teachers¿ Retirement Fund

Annual funds by Arrow Transportation

Annual funds by Ashley (Barlow) Innes and Clinton Innes

Annual funds by Ashley Finlayson and Diane Hollinshead

Annual funds by Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne

Annual funds by Asvina Bissonauth in memory of her grandmother, Gowrah Ramlugon, who passed away in Mauritius on June 22, 2006 Gowrah's first languages were Creole and Hindi but loved and valued the French and English languages

Annual funds by ATB Financial (Camrose)

Annual funds by ATCO

Annual funds by ATI Music

Annual funds by Augustana Faculty English professors

Annual funds by Augustana Staff and the Ualberta Athletics Award Enhancement Matching Fund

Annual funds by Augustana Vikings Hockey Alumni Association

Annual funds by a University of Alberta Nursing Alumni

Annual funds by Barry Bennett

Annual funds by Ben and Sandra McIsaac

Annual funds by Bennett Jones LLP

Annual funds by Bereskin and Parr LLP, Barristers and Solicitors, of Toronto, Ontario

Annual funds by Bishop and McKenzie, Barristers and Solicitors, Edmonton

Annual funds by Bishop & McKenzie, Barristers and Solicitors, Edmonton

Annual funds by Bi West Translines Ltd

Annual funds by Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

Annual funds by Border Paving Ltd

Annual funds by BP Canada Energy Group ULC

Annual funds by Bridget Casey

Annual funds by Brookfield Residential (Alberta) LP

Annual funds by Brownlee LLP in memory of firm associate Tore Martin Purdy

Annual funds by Bud Tupper

Annual funds by Burgar Funeral Home

Annual funds by Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer